Has Technology Affected the Oriental Rugs?

The question is sometimes asked as to whether modern technology has had any effect on oriental rugs. This is a valid question when we take a look at some of the ways in which technology has a profound effect in many different areas. Modern technology has bettered the lives of many when it comes to health. Today people can have better access to health care through different resources like livi the medical app or through telemedicine. Then there is the technology that has had a huge impact on communications.

The production of oriental rugs is considered to be a low tech industry which means it is not as likely to be influenced by modern-day technology. Although in some ways the making of these rugs has been affected.

What Has Affected the Oriental Rug Making?

In a limited way, technology has affected the oriental rug making. Some of the ways are:

Information Technology

Now the rug makers have access to resources such as access to photographs of other rugs that have been made. They have more access to books and trade magazines, as well as catalogues that are filled with colour plates. All of this information can be used by the rug makers for their own inspirations.

Transportation Technology

Rug makers can now travel more efficiently to source their materials and supervise the production. Not only is the modern-day travel more efficient, it is more cost-efficient. This has had an indirect effect on the oriental rug industry.

Communication Technology

Another area of technology that has had some effect on the oriental rug making is the way that rug makers can communicate with importers. Simply sending a fax or using a cell phone has speeded up the way that those in the market of selling these rugs can communicate much quicker with their suppliers.


In some ways, modern technology has helped with the creation of oriental rug knock offs. These are the rugs that are being promoted as authentic oriental rugs when in facr they are not. There are some tell tale signs that can help to distinguish between those which are true oriental rugs and those which are not such as:

  • If the fringe has been sewn onto the edges of the rug then it is a fake.
  • If the edges look like they have been sewn with a machine, then the rug is not an authentic oriental rug
  • The knots on an oriental rug are not the exact same in size, in a fake one they are.

Although modern technology has some effect on the oriental rug industry, the majority of those technologies other than the knock-offs have not had any adverse effects on these amazing hand made items.

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